2024 Tohkon Judo Academy’s Annual Kata Clinic, Chicago – February 16/18
A huge amount of appreciation goes to Sensei Eiko Shepherd and Sensei Doug Tono for their instruction at Tohkon Judo Academy’s annual Kata Clinic, which was held in Chicago this past February 16-18th Tohkon has been sponsoring this Kata Clinic for roughly 30 years, and as the number of judoka doing kata has grown, more and more people look forward to attending the clinic each year.
This year, about 25 people attended the clinic, which featured Itsutsu-no-Kata on Friday, Kime-no-Kata on Saturday, and a full day of kata certification on Sunday.
All the judokas who took part were filled with enthusiasm and eager to learn, and the clinicians’ expertise and compassionate guidance fostered a highly welcoming environment. Participants expressed their anticipation for next year’s clinic.