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Kata Development Committee Minutes

18 April 2005
Coral Room E, Cavalier Hotel
Virginia Beach, VA

Meeting called to order

The meeting was called to order by Eiko Shepherd at 8:00 PM 18 April 2005

Members in Attendance:

John Anderson, Frances Glaze, Jan Graden, Mike Purcell, Jana Seaborn, Eiko Shepherd,
Kuniko Takeuchi, George Tsubota, Peggy Whilden.


Jim Takemori, Neil Simon, Jerry Wee, Dean Markovics, Felix Lanier, Louise Mackey,
Karen Mackey, Deborah Fergus, Tom Sheehan, Delynn Purcell, Eva McCatty

Old Business:

Approval of last year’s minutes.

Minutes were distributed to all in attendance. Amended to end meeting at 7:10
P. Motion to approve by P. Whilden seconded by J. Anderson and passed on voice

New Business:

Amendment to Kata Development Committee Yudanshakai Guidelines

Request to add “Host Kata Clinics” to the Kata Development Committee
Yudanshakai Development Guidelines. This was requested by the Development Director.
Motion made by M. Purcell to make the change to the guidelines. Seconded by P.
Whilden and passed on a voice vote.

Requirement/ Recommendation for Kata Review

Request to require a Kata Clinic Review Form (amended attached) for all kata clinics
that receive grants and recommend them for all kata clinics be sent to the kata
development secretary and kata development chair.. N. Simon recommended adding
a “Sponsor” field to the form. F. Glaze moved to approve the form
and requirements as amended. It was seconded by J. Anderson and passed on a voice
vote. (Form attached.)

Funding for National Kata Conference

Eiko requested the approval of a funding estimated at $2000 for a National Kata
Conference to be held in Chicago (Grant request attached) Eiko read resume and
stressed that he was a world champion shiai competitor as well as a kata instructor.

Chicago Yudanshakai contributing place to stay and food. K. Takeuchi thought that
the clinic fees should be raised (increased over the $35 suggested in the budget).
An instructor of this caliber should rate higher fees.

J. Anderson suggested that the honorarium should be increased over the $650 suggested
in the budget. Observing that there would be travel days in addition to the two
days of instruction.

J. Anderson moved to approve the grant request and go ahead with the National
Kata Conference. F. Glaze approved and it was passed on a voice vote.

Kata Judges for World Masters

Eiko Shepherd urged all Class A judges to volunteer at the 7th World Masters in
Missauga, CA. .Volunteer forms were distributed to all in attendance.

Meeting Adjourned

With business completed J. Anderson motioned to adjourn and F. Glaze seconded.
Meeting was adjourned on a voice vote.