Select Page

In honor and with great respect and admiration of your lifetime of achievement,

and your support of the USJF judo community

Class of 2024

Lifetime Achievement Award

Frank Morales

Jim Murray

Frances Vall

Karen Whilden

Class of 2023

Lifetime Achievement Award

Peggy Whilden

Ferdinand Tihista

Michael Pratt

Natalie Roy

Rodney ‘Rocky’ Kalani Lima

Class of 2022

Lifetime Achievement Award

Jeff Takeda

Andor Paposi-Jobb

Vaughn and Phyllis Imada

Class of 2021

Lifetime Achievement Award

Bios in Progress

Jerry Hays

Louis Moyerman

George Y. Tsubota

Class of 2020

Inaugural Class

Lifetime Achievement Award

Bio in Progress

Ken Tamai