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Date: 6 July 2002
To: All Interested Parties
From: David Matsumoto
Cc: USJF Development Committee (DC)
  Noboru Saito, President
  Robert Fukuda, Executive Director
Re: Bids for USJF Judo Conference 2003

Hope you are all well and enjoying the summer.

At its July meeting, the USJF DC has
approved the conduct of a USJF Judo Conference next year. The Judo Conference
will consolidate programs provided by the National Teachers Institute, National
Kata Development and Certification Subcommittee, the National Referee
Development and Certification Subcommittee, and the National Senior Development
Subcommittee. The goal is to have a single event providing the following:

  1. Teacher certification
  2. Coach certification
  3. National Kata Seminar
  4. Training Camp for Senior Elite Athletes

The DC feels that the optimal time to host such an event is across three full days, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,
either the 1st or 2nd weekend of June.

We would like to accept proposals from interested individuals or organizations who may want to host this event. We
would need at least the following:

  1. Large lecture hall for 100+ individuals on site
  2. Two smaller classrooms for 30 individuals on site
  3. Two dojos to accommodate 30 training athletes or kata seminar participants on site
  4. Area for welcome reception for 100+ individuals on site
  5. Residential facilities (dorm, cafeteria, laundry, etc.)
  6. Close driving distance to a major airport

If you are interested in applying to host this event, please send the following to my office no later than 31 August

  1. The name of the proposed local conference coordinator, and a resume of relevant
  2. The name, location and description of the proposed site, including brochures, photos of
    the facilities, and prices for all rental rooms, lodging rooms, and meals
  3. Description of the physical location of the proposed site in relation to a major airport in
    the U.S.
  4. Any other relevant information

The USJF DC will deliberate on the
proposals at its October meeting and make a final decision concerning venue for
the 2003 USJF Judo Conference.

If you have any questions or comments,
please don?t hesitate to contact me. Thanks a lot.