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Reports on two Kata Clinics

The Pacific Southwest Yudanshakai has reported on the USJF Kata Clinic in San Diego. Here is the report. The Chuka Yudanshakai has sent a report on their USJF Kata Clinic in Fresno. Here is the report. Two photos from Chuka

New Officers

Elections for our officers for the term 2020-2022 were held on 6 December and the results are: President: Mr. Mitchell Palacio / Central Coast 1st Vice-President: Mr. Edward Hanashiro / 50th State 2nd Vice-President: Mr. Boris Munoz / Hudson Secretary: Ms. Krista...

Ken Tamai

Ken Tamai Inaugural class of 2020 What makes a great judoka is not only what he did in his lifetime but the direct influence he made that continues to grow and develop judo for many decades after. He lived judo in every sense of what makes an outstanding judoka – Jita...