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Sanix 2016 — Nikita Harvey

Dear Sanix, Taisei, USJF and Sensei Saito, Firstly, I would like to say a big “thank you” to the whole Sanix organization for giving me the opportunity to participate in an extraordinary trip to Japan. I had an amazing time traveling with my teammates and competing...

Sanix 2016 — Isaiah Thor

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go to Japan. It was a really fun experience for me. Although the plane ride was a little long, I had a blast touring Japan and competing in the judo tournament. When we first arrived to Japan around noon, my friend (and his...

Sanix 2016 — Narek Manucharyan

Dear Sensei Saito, USJF, and The Global Arena, Thank you for giving me the opportunity of going to Japan and seeing different styles of the art judo. Japan was a once in a lifetime experience. Without your help, I would of never visited Japan; thus, missing a glorious...