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Sensei Robert Bonner obituary

Sensei Robert Bonner passed away on 11 October. Robert Bonner established the Yomeikan Judo Club in Defiance, OH during the early 1990s. Dr. Sachio Ashida named Sensei Bonner’s club Yomeikan Judo. Yomeikan is translated as meaning “The Hall of Enlightenment.” Sensei...

2015 Members of USJF Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame Committee have announced four new names: Kayla Harrison, Marti Malloy, Howard Nishioka and James Tekemori. Their profiles follow here. Kayla Harrison Kayla Harrison made history at the 2012 Olympics in London by winning the first Gold Medal by any...

2015 USJF Korean Training Trip

Hello Mr. Asano Hope all is well for you and your family. First of all, you and USJF Executive Committee let USJF High School Student Judokas to participate Special Training in Kyungmin High School Korea. I am very proud to be member of this year team because they did...

Academic Scholars of the Year Oishi

First place Chase Oishi He has experience in many different aspects of judo, competing in national and regional shiai competitions, a certified N3 national referee, as a shodan he teaches shonen and yonen classes and he competes in all seven katas. He is on the...