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The 5th IJF World Judo Research Symposium

This information was provided by Dr. David Matsumoto from the International Judo Federation. Originals and forms are available at the end of this message. The 2007 World Judo Research Symposium will be held separately from the IJF World Judo Conference, and will...

Presidents of 3 US Judo organizations meet in Dallas

On Saturday, December 9, 2006, in Dallas, Texas, a meeting was conducted involving representatives from USA Judo, United States Judo Association, and United States Judo Federation.The meeting was initiated by the three organizations to discuss the future strategic...

Death of Keigi Horiuchi Sensei

Keigi Horiuchi Sensei of West Covina Dojo passed away this past weekend.  Horiuchi Sensei was a member of the Nanka Yudanshakai Hall of Fame.His services will be held on December 9th at 2 PM at Nishi Hongwanji, 815 E. First St, Los Angeles, CA (telephone –...