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USJF President New Year Message

Mitchell Palacio, President USJF President (1996-2000) Professor of Kinesiology at City College of San Francisco. Happy New Year to all USJF members and your families. It is an honor to be elected again, to lead our organization into the New Year. I appreciate your...

James Colgan

Russ Scherer wrote: I am extremely saddened to have to relay notification of the passing of Jim Colgan - a Judo Great. Jim was well known throughout the U.S. and indeed most of the world. He had major accomplishments as a competitor, coach, manager, referee and...

Karen DuPage

Noboru Saito wrote about the passing of Karen DuPage, a long time supporter of Konan and Michigan Judo. Her obituary has been published on line.

Changes to Background Screening Procedures

Years ago, USJF adopted the US Center for SafeSport’s programs and standards for education and training to protect athletes and participants from abuse. SafeSport has begun to require more rigorous background screens. Thus, our background screening has been updated to...

Preparing for the Future

Calvin Terada, Chair USJF Referee Development and Certification Subcommittee Calvin Terada writes: Without dojos being open for practice and tournaments being held in our community, I am sure that many of us feel a strange sense of uneasiness since judo has been a...

CJBBA Kata Clinic Report

The Chicago Judo Black Belt Association has been a proud sponsor of the Tohkon Judo Academy’s Kata Clinic, held each year over President’s Day Weekend. USJF Hall of Fame Inductee, Sensei Eiko Shepherd and Tohkon Judo Academy’s founder, Douglas Tono, who also competes...

Reports on two Kata Clinics

The Pacific Southwest Yudanshakai has reported on the USJF Kata Clinic in San Diego. Here is the report. The Chuka Yudanshakai has sent a report on their USJF Kata Clinic in Fresno. Here is the report. Two photos from Chuka

New Officers

Elections for our officers for the term 2020-2022 were held on 6 December and the results are: President: Mr. Mitchell Palacio / Central Coast 1st Vice-President: Mr. Edward Hanashiro / 50th State 2nd Vice-President: Mr. Boris Munoz / Hudson Secretary: Ms. Krista...