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Irwin Cohen Sensei

From a post by Pat Adams on Facebook – Judo lost one of its greats this morning. Irwin Cohen passed away at 5:30 this morning. His fight the last 12 years was an inspiration to all. He will be sorely missed by his judo family throughout the world. RIP Irwin. Our...

A thank you letter to USJF

To the USJF Membership, Please follow this link to view the closing report of the recent Michigan Judo Development Association fund raising effort to help send Robert Fukuda, Teri Fukuda and Teri's mother to London to watch Robert referee at the Olympics. The report...

From NY to CA by bicycle

Update Peter Kabai (19) and Janos Kabai (16) made a 4000 mile (6400km) cross-US bicycle trip. They rode unsupported, sleeping in a tent and fixing any bicycle problems using spare parts carried along the trip. They also rode in the hottest Summer weather ever recorded...

Documentary about The Blind Judo Foundation

A couple of months ago we were contacted by Participant Media Productions who wanted to produce a Documentary about the work and mission of the Blind Judo Foundation. They hired Bandito Brothers who recently released Act of Valor to do the filming. The Trailer for the...

USJF Kata Conference – 2012

Hello Everyone, Here are 239 photos that I took Saturday morning, August 4, of the USJF Kata Conference. Some pictures may seem like they are duplications, but they are not. There is a setting on my camera where I can capture several pictures within one second. Look...

Why A Senior USJF Program?

In another 20 years what will the current generation of upcoming JF judo leaders be speaking of when they refer to the "Good Old Days?" It may go something like this, " Back in the day I had a really tough match at the 2012 Junior Nationals. Conversations like this...