Jeff Takeda
© 2022 USJF all rights reserved Jeff Takeda inducted in 2022 Nominating letter from Tom Jay, President Chuka Yudanshakai Good Morning Simon Sensei, Hope that all is well during these uncertain times. I’m currently the president of the Central California Black Belt...

Neil Simon
Neil Simon Inducted 2022 Nomination Letter from Jim Murray, Konan Yudanshakai US Judo Hall of Fame Nomination Mr. Brink, On behalf of the Konan executive committee and our president we are pleased to nominate Neil Simon as our yudanshakai candidate for this...

Grace Talusan
USJF STORY~ Grace Talusan I started judo when I was in graduate school so I don’t have any childhood memories of growing up on the mat. My first judo memory was Mr. Ogasawara setting up two bean bags on the mat and having me roll between them for an hour straight, and...

Obukan Judo Dojo
https://youtu.be/hKHP4FX7_F0 The origin and meaning of our dojo name “Obukan”: the “O” refers to Oregon; Oregon was called “O-shu” or O-state by Japanese immigrants. “Bu” means martial training. “Kan” means building or training hall. Dr. Jigoro Kano, the...

Brandon Kindelberger
USJF STORY~ Brandon Kindelberger Madagascar!? “My name is Brandon Kindelberger and I’m a member of USJF. I’m okay to say that I am a ‘no name’ within the judo community. I can’t boast on any big competition wins, but I can say that judo has been a part of my life...

Krista Tsutsui Steele
USJF STORY~ Krista Tsutsui Steele Fresno, CA -----> Seattle, WA “I’m Krista Tsutsui Steele and I’m a member of USJF. My judo story starts back in the 90s at the Fowler Judo Club in Central California where my dad took my siblings and me to learn the sport he grew...
“Pathway to IJF “A” Referee” Janet Johnson
Sensei Johnson will share her experience with her path to the highest levels of refereeing and the practical application of educational methods. Check out the Youtube video of her presentation

Sayaka Torra
USJF STORY~ Sayaka Torra I’m Sayaka Torra and I’ve been a member of USJF for over 30 years. I’m a 5th degree black belt, 2008 Olympian, and Senior Instructor at the East Bay Judo Institute. My dad, David Matsumoto, became the head instructor of EBJI in 1983 and 38...
Obituary for Lawrence (“Larry”) Fryar
Our loving father, Lawrence E. Fryar, 84, of Sun City, California, died peacefully at his home on Saturday, February 26, 2022. Larry met his late wife Nina when he was a young Navy sailor stationed in the Philippines. Larry and Nina fell in love, married and spent...

Interview with: Jerry Hays – USJF Archivist
March 27, 2022 (1:00 pm Pacific)
Best known as American judo’s archivist