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USJF Development Committee
Meeting Minutes
Friday, 8 July 2005
Los Angeles, CA

  1. Call to Order at 12:00 P.M. Quorum established with 6
    members present. Guests: Robert Fukuda, Neil Simon, Keith Hayashi
  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting – MSP.
  3. Reports
    1. Chair. Matsumoto. Not in attendance.
    2. Co-Chair. Imada
      1. Monthly reports for USJF Newsletter from subcommittees
      2. Monthly reports for USJF Newsletter from funded yudanshakais
      3. Reports of funded activities (necessary for future funding)
        1. All subcommittees and yudanshakais are reminded that no funding
          will be approved if their two reports as specified by the budgeting
          procedures for previous activities are delinquent.
    3. Subcommittee reports and progress on duties and responsibilities
      1. Jr. Development (Mitsuoka).
      2. Sr. Development (Rousey).
      3. Teacher’s Institute (Matsuoka). Not in attendance.
      4. Technical Research (Matsumoto). Not in attendance.
      5. Referee Development and Certification (Chi).
      6. Kata Development and Certification (Shepherd).
      7. Women (Mackey).
      8. Coach Development and Certification (Markovics). Not in attendance.
    4. Approval of all reports. All subcommittee chairs are reminded
      to submit minutes of their meetings within two weeks to be appended to
      this report. MSP to approve all reports.
  4. Unfinished Business
    1. Review of Subcommittee Duties and Responsibilities Document (originally
      distributed 2001). Drafts of guidelines for YDKs from each subcommittee
      to development proposals and content for development in each area by 1
      January 2004.

      1. This item was discussed once again.
    2. Follow up to board actions from April 2002.
      1. Procedures and guidelines for grandfathering coaches. (Nothing
      2. Procedures and guidelines for grandfathering teachers. (Nothing
      3. Approval of Katame no Kata and Ju no Kata at the USJF Jr. Nationals
        pending submission of detailed proposal by KDCS. (nothing received)
      4. Discussion and Approval of Coach Development and Certification
        Program (nothing received)
      5. Final approval of 2005-2006 Budget
        1. the budget was approved as reflected in the attached excel file.
          It was MSP to allocate $34,105 to the various subcommittees who
          submitted requests. The remainder would be left for proposals
          for special projects.

  5. New Business
    1. Approval of DC 2004 Awards – MSP. All recipients to receive plaques
      and athletes to receive gift pack from USJF.

      1. International Senior Male Athlete of the Year: Aaron Kunihiro
      2. International Senior Female Athlete of the Year: Ronda Rousey
      3. National Senior Male Athlete of the Year: Nathan Torra
      4. National Senior Female Athlete of the Year: Sayaka Matsumoto
      5. International Junior Male Athlete of the Year: Aaron Kunihiro
      6. International Junior Female Athlete of the Year: Ronda Rousey
      7. National Junior Male Athlete of the Year: Michael Eldred
      8. National Junior Female Athlete of the Year: Brenna Clark
      9. National Senior Male Coach of the Year: coach of Noriega, Mojica
      10. National Senior Female Coach of the Year: coach of Pedro, DeMars
      11. National Junior Male Coach of the Year: coach of Noriega, Mojica
      12. National Junior Female Coach of the Year: coach of Pedro, DeMars
      13. Kata Competitors of the Year: Al Panackia and Mark Pasquinelly
      14. Referees of the Year: Robert Fukuda and Gary Takemoto
    2. Allocation for USJF Members on the 2005 World Team
      $3,000 – MSP. USJF members to receive a gift pack from USJF.
    3. I would like to request at the July meeting that we re-allocate at
      least $1,000 of the $1,500 not claimed by the regional programs to fund
      10- 12 athletes to attend a camp in Canada. The fiscal year ends less
      than two months from that date. I have emailed and called the regional
      program representatives who had not made requests. Two sent proposed clinic
      ideas which I thought were good. I asked for specific dates. I did not
      hear back. Next year we do not have the restriction that proposals come
      through regional programs. (Ann Marie)
      $1,500 – MSP.
    4. Budget Items:
      1. MSP – $6,000 to remain in NRDCS budget for 2004-2005 expenses.
        Expenses should be appropriately and properly submitted.
      2. MSP – NRDCS and CDCS can submit for 2005-2006 though deadline
        missed pending any monies available after budgeted amounts to subcommittees
        and special projects.
      3. MSP – $7,000 to 2005-2006 NRDCS subcommittee budget. Subcommittee
        shall submit guidelines for yudanshakai and comply with the two report
        procedure. Proposed budget shall be properly submitted ASAP.
      4. MSP – $2,000 in lieu of $5,000 requested for Animated Imagination.
      5. MSP – $3,700 for Nanka Special Events with recommendation that
        clinics to include sessions on leadership similar to proposed workshops
        proposed by Leadership Institute Program by Konan and Pacific Southwest.
      6. MSP – Amounts requested for Pedro Gripping ($5,000), Leadership
        Institute ($6,000), USJF Sr. Team ($7,550), and Catt Phys Ed Teachers
      7. These amounts as well as the previous amounts allocated to the
        subcommittees DC ($3,000), KDCS ($8,105), SDS ($7,000), WS ($3,000),
        JYDS ($6,000), and TRS ($7,000) was submitted to Finance Committee
        and Endowment Committee.
  6. Adjournment – 1:15 PM