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USJF Dojo Reopening Guidelines (May 2021)

These guidelines are intended to assist with dojos in re-opening and resuming training. However, due to wide variation in Covid-19 cases around the country we cannot provide a uniform one-size-fits-all recommendation for every dojo. Before resuming training, dojos...

President’s April Message

“USJF Dojo: Re-start of Judo” On Sunday, April 11, at 1:00pm – 2:30pm (Pacific), I will host “USJF Dojo: Re-start of Judo” zoom meeting. I will share the USJF strategic plan to help the dojo sensei’s re-start teaching Judo. The focus will be on...

Background Screening – Paperless

We are eliminating our paper form for background screening effective immediately. The application form has been removed from our website. Please do not submit any more background screening applications using the paper form. If you are in need of a background...

Harold E Sharp

On Sunday, March 21, 2021, we lost Harold E. Sharp, Hal to his friends and Sharp Sensei to the many judokas lives he touched over his 70+ years of involvement in Judo. Sharp Sensei was approaching his 94th birthday. He passed away peacefully at home and is survived by...

President’s March Address

“The Business of Judo” As our country anticipates the restarting of our social and economic world, most of us in judo anticipate returning to our dojos for great teaching, learning, workouts, training, and socialization. Is your dojo ready! Or are you...

Kokushi Midwest Judo Kata Clinic

On February 13, 2021, Kokushi Midwest Judo hosted Sensei Eiko Shepherd’s Virtual Kata Clinic to 53 international participants. Many of them have known Sensei Shepherd throughout her long career, but for some, this was their first time sharing the mat with her. They...

Jerry Hays

Jerry Hays Class of 2021 © 2021, USJF, all rights reserved Jerry Hays In 1986, he was the manager for the Armed Forces Judo Team that went to the CISM  (World Military) Judo Championship in Brussel, Belgium.  In 1984, he was host to the Irish and Belgium Olympic team...

USJF President’s February Message

“Making a Difference” On Sunday, February 21 at 1:00pm – 3:00pm (Pacific), I will host a “Making a Difference”, zoom meeting. I want to hear from you, the sensei, coach, teacher, assistant teacher and member. Share your experiences and...

USJF President New Year Message

Mitchell Palacio, President USJF President (1996-2000) Professor of Kinesiology at City College of San Francisco. Happy New Year to all USJF members and your families. It is an honor to be elected again, to lead our organization into the New Year. I appreciate your...

James Colgan

Russ Scherer wrote: I am extremely saddened to have to relay notification of the passing of Jim Colgan – a Judo Great. Jim was well known throughout the U.S. and indeed most of the world. He had major accomplishments as a competitor, coach, manager, referee and...