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Kyu rank Certificate Templates available

Kyu Rank Promotion Certificate Templates are available to download. Junior Kyu rank certificate templates for 6 kyu system Junior Kyu rank certificate templates for 11 kyu system Senior Kyu Rank Promotion Certificate Templates Please go to the download page to see all...

Sode Tsurikomi Goshi and A Farewell to Aiko Sato

It is with some sadness that I write this article. It has been a 3 weeks since we have seen Sensei Aiko Sato at her last open mat at San Jose State. We had arrived early hoping to get a few moments to say good bye to Sensei Sato and the room was already packed. It...

Award for Ken Kokka

On Monday Ken Kokka, Sensei, (along with this colleagues) is getting the Home Front Award from the National Park Service. The National Park Service Home Front Award is to recognize people, projects, programs or publications that preserve a home front site or...

Interview with Kevin Asano

On Saturday, May 3rd, your USJF Roving Reporter (RR) was able to catch up with Kevin Asano, president of the USJF and Olympic silver medalist, to ask about some of the issues that are important for the members of USJF. RR and Kevin Asano, USJF President, were in Reno,...

Richard Muller’s service

Here is the info for Richard Muller’s service: Friday, May 16th, 11:30-13:30. Navy Reserve Center 6735 N Basin Ave Portland, OR 97217 Richard’s survivors are: Wife of 61 years, Mertie Muller. Children Karla (Rick), Lisa (Bill), Johann (Kristine) and Heidi...

2014 Korean Training Trip

The 2014 USJF High School Male Judoka special training camp in Korea High School from 11–19 July, 2014. last year’s travelling judoka This year will be 10th year of this special training camp. All interested male high school judoka (14-19years old) should...

Richard Muller, Sensei

Obukan, the USJF, and indeed all of American judo has lost a great judoka with the passing of Richard Muller Sensei. He has been a constant voice of reason for our dojo and for the USJF. A friend, and a mentor, an all around great man. He will be missed. From a...