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Judo studies

This is an archive of short presentations which various sensei have prepared.

Blue Judogis may bias competition outcomes
by David Matsumoto, Jun Konno, Stephanie Hata and Masayuki Tekeuchi

The results of four major international competitions – the 2001, 2003 and 2005 World Championships and the 2004 Athens Olympic Games were analyzed in terms of whether or not athletes were more likely to win their matches when wearing the blue judogi.

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The Light of Kodokan Judo
Essays on Judo and Judo Instruction in Japan

by David Matsumoto

A few years ago I was asked to write a monthly column in a magazine entitled “Budo,” which is published in Japan by the Nippon Budokan. It is the leading monthly magazine in Japan on budo-related topics, and is read widely by leading budo teachers and practitioners in Japan and elsewhere.

I embarked on a two year journey in which I wrote frankly about what I thought about the problems that faced Japan and Japanese judo.

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(Please note that this is a larger file – about 8MB. You may also need to download a module to read the file because some of the material is in Japanese.)

The Psychological and Behavioral Effects of Judo
A USJF White Paper

by The USJF Development Committee

This is a significant document because it is the first to review the available scientific studies published in scholarly research journals that examine the effects of judo practice.

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Sport Psychology in Combat Sports
by David Matsumoto, Jun Konno and Hyoung Zoo Ha

We discuss the psychological issues related to motivation and competition stress in the one combat sport that we know best, judo. We all bring our experiences in competitive judo to bear on the issues we introduce.

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