Teacher Video Resources
The Judo Basics
Ukemi – Breakfall
Fresno Judo Club
In any sport, the key to learning new skills is repetition. These videos from USJF gives the Sensei/Teacher great drills in which to give a positive experience to the judoka while practicing. From basic skills such as ukemi (break fall) to zempo kaiten (forward roll), to more beginning tachiwaza – newaza skills sets, to the intermediate/advance skills of uchikomi, nagekomi, sutekeiko and randori. This wide-range of instructional engagement activities is sure to add to any sensei/teacher practice session.
The Judo Basics
Tie Obi: Modern
Tie Obi: Traditional
Folding your Gi
Elements of a Throw
Formal Standing & Seiza Bow
Ukemi – Breakfall
Yoko-side slap
Ushiro-Sitting Rear Back Fall
Squat-Back and Side Fall
Ushiro/Yoko-Standing Back and Side fall
Standing Back & Side Fall
Zempo Kaiten-Forward Roll
Zempo Kaiten
Formal Standing & Seiza Bow
Webinar Video Resources
Our recorded Live Webinar is exactly what it sounds like! We rebroadcast our live webinar. Join us and have all the benefits of a live webinar.
Webinars—a combination of the words “web” and “seminar”—are live video conferences that are held and attended on the web. In a webinar, the host or speaker is connected to a variety of viewers regardless of location, whether they’re located across town or on the other side of the country.